I had made an initial trip to Target to scope things out the other day and look at the tinsel Christmas trees. I got sucked into the kids clothes. So many things to look at. I was a bit of a kid in a candy store. It was like pink and purple and sequins exploded all over the girls clothes. I was just standing there like “do I buy stuff, do I look, somebody tell me what to do!” At one point I was holding the purple faux fur bomber jacket that looked my ghetto than the Tom Ford for Gucci chubby I was trying to pretend it looked like. I mean, all little girls need to understand that this is an iconic moment in women’s fashion.
Yesterday I stopped by a different Target with the intention of buying just the little pink sequined sweatsuit. Nothing crazy. I ended up with six outfits in a cart. It was ridiculous. I put two back and bought four. Little girl’s dad nixed two so we are left we these two. I like them for a nine year old.
I went back and forth about this one but I liked the sequined pockets and it was cheap. It’s not like I bought Juicy Couture for Kids.
Have a great weekend! I’ve got school and my family stuff. Plus, a JLA thing so busy, busy.
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